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                欧华Ψ 集团两个集结地: 株洲    东莞

                1998年,欧华机械借鉴欧洲先进的技术工艺,自主研发了当时锥形卧式砂磨机。从而填补了当◣时中国锥形卧式砂磨机的空白!在随后的十几年里,欧华技术团队一直致力于砂磨领域的→尖端研发,从技术工艺、高精度加工到慎重选材,一直追求让市场来证明产品的高端品质。2008年,东莞欧华再次自主研发了超大流量涡轮砂磨机,在其后三年多的时间里,经过了几十家客户的研磨实践,目前已经成为国内较成熟的大流□ 量涡轮砂磨机生产厂家。


                   Ouhua Industrial Co.Ltd is a professional enterprise engaged in the research, manufacturing, sale and service of chemical scattering and meticulous grinding equipment. It is situated in Zhuzhou city - a city renowned for its hard alloy and ceramic industry with convenient traffic.
                For many years, thanks to the complete production equipment and strong technological power, the company has been keeping pace with the advanced technology of foreign countries such as Switzerland and Germany; constantly, considering the valuable feedback of the customer, and taking the advantage of local hard alloy and ceramic material the company has been developing successively the grinding and scattering equipments of domestic first-class and of the most advanced level all over the world. The products of the company are sold in more than 20 provinces and cities of the whole country. They have not only solved the difficult problems in production for customers, but also are praised as the first-selected product that can substitute for imported equipment.
                Our commitment is:Actively listen to customer needs, meet customer expectations of quality is our eternal pursuit.
                Always remember to provide high-quality service for the customer, is the pursuit of our existence.
